

`Suno-api` is an open-source project that enables you to set up your own Suno AI API.

👋 Introduction v3 is an amazing AI music service. Although the official API is not yet available, we couldn't wait to integrate its capabilities somewhere.

We discovered that some users have similar needs, so we decided to open-source this project, hoping you'll like it.

We update quickly, please star us on Github:

🌟 Features

  • Perfectly implements the creation API from
  • Compatible with the format of OpenAI’s /v1/chat/completions API.
  • Automatically keep the account active.
  • Supports Custom Mode
  • One-click deployment to Vercel
  • In addition to the standard API, it also adapts to the API Schema of Agent platforms like GPTs and Coze, so you can use it as a tool/plugin/Action for LLMs and integrate it into any AI Agent.
  • Permissive open-source license, allowing you to freely integrate and modify.

🚀 Getting Started

1. Obtain the cookie of your account

  1. Head over to using your browser.
  2. Open up the browser console: hit F12 or access the Developer Tools.
  3. Navigate to the Network tab.
  4. Give the page a quick refresh.
  5. Identify the request that includes the keyword client?_clerk_js_version.
  6. Click on it and switch over to the Header tab.
  7. Locate the Cookie section, hover your mouse over it, and copy the value of the Cookie.

2. Clone and deploy this project

You can choose your preferred deployment method:

Deploy to Vercel

Deploy with Vercel

Run locally

git clone
cd suno-api
npm install

3. Configure suno-api

  • If deployed to Vercel, please add an environment variable SUNO_COOKIE in the Vercel dashboard, with the value of the cookie obtained in the first step.

  • If you’re running this locally, be sure to add the following to your .env file:


4. Run suno-api

  • If you’ve deployed to Vercel:

    • Please click on Deploy in the Vercel dashboard and wait for the deployment to be successful.
    • Visit the https://<vercel-assigned-domain>/api/get_limit API for testing.
  • If running locally:

    • Run npm run dev.
    • Visit the http://localhost:3000/api/get_limit API for testing.
  • If the following result is returned:

      "credits_left": 50,
      "period": "day",
      "monthly_limit": 50,
      "monthly_usage": 50

it means the program is running normally.

5. Use Suno API

You can check out the detailed API documentation at

📚 API Reference

Suno API currently mainly implements the following APIs:

- `/api/generate`: Generate music
- `/v1/chat/completions`: Generate music - Call the generate API in a format 
  that works with OpenAI’s API.
- `/api/custom_generate`: Generate music (Custom Mode, support setting lyrics, 
  music style, title, etc.)
- `/api/generate_lyrics`: Generate lyrics based on prompt
- `/api/get`: Get music list
- `/api/get?ids=`: Get music Info by id, separate multiple id with ",".
- `/api/get_limit`: Get quota Info
- `/api/extend_audio`: Extend audio length
- `/api/concat`: Generate the whole song from extensions

For more detailed documentation, please check out the demo site:
